Urinary incontinence treatments
No more 3am pee breaks
(and no surgery).
Imagine the difference.
Urinary incontinence affects millions of women after childbirth or just from natural aging. Modern regenerative treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, muscle strengthening with VTone, and restoring tissue with radiofrequency improves or eliminates symptoms in over 90% of women in published research (and in our experience).

What is urinary incontinence?
What is urinary incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is the unintentional leaking of urine. The two most common types of urinary incontinence are stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence.
Many people think that incontinence is a normal part of aging that can’t be helped. The prevalence of urinary incontinence increases as you get older but it can be treated!
There are very effective in-office vaginal rejuvenation treatments that regenerate the tissue around the urethra and restore your pelvic floor strength to treat urinary incontinence.
If you’re perimenopausal or post-menopausal or have birthed a baby naturally, most likely you have some sort of dribbling or overactive bladder symptoms.
After polling our “over 50” clientele about bladder leakage, 75% of them have some urinary incontinence, yet the National Association for Continence statistic shows only 30% of these women have urinary incontinence – ridiculously underreported. And many studies show that with age and especially after childbirth, urinary incontinence affects about 50% of the female population.
You don’t have to leak
when you laugh or sneeze
Be in charge of your bladder
Throw away the pads
Eliminate the stress of
finding the nearest restroom

Urinary Incontinence Treatments
Why do I have to pee all the time?
This is the one of the most common questions are patients ask at RegenCen. Many women struggle to recover naturally from the injury and anatomical changes caused by natural childbirth. Menopause causes vaginal atrophy, weakened pelvic floor muscles and lower elasticity in women’s internal and external skin and tissues. The net result? More leaking, bathroom trips, and loss of bladder control.
For our grandmothers, pessaries and bladder surgery were the only solutions. The good news is that for most women, there are easier and more effective solutions, and we’re here to get rid of the stigma surrounding women’s bladder issues and improve your quality of life at the same time.

MorpheusV RegenCen Patient Testimonial
Urinary Incontinence affects one out of three women (and that's underreported!).
Sometimes you just look at someone else sneezing, and it happens – that annoying dribble. Or you don’t make it to the nearest bathroom.How about having to pee all the time at night? You’d love to ditch the pantyliners if you could, right? Or get a good solid nighttime rest.
This little issue becomes a big nuisance.
3 types of Urinary Incontinence and Overactive Bladder
SUI (stress urinary incontinence) is when the bladder leaks with changes in pressure because your urethra simply doesn't have support. You’ll know it’s SUI when you leak from changing positions, like going from lying down to sitting, or dribbling when you sneeze, cough, laugh, run, or jump.
UUI (urge urinary incontinence) is when you have a strong, sudden need to urinate and delaying it is impossible. Oftentimes the bladder spasms, and your entire bladder empties. Many women have a mixture or simply feel like they have to pee all the time.
- Stress incontinence (SUI) happens when you strain – it could be lifting, jumping, even just a little sneeze or cough can cause leakage. AKA “the sneeze n’ pee.”
- Urge incontinence (UUI) means “when you have to go, you have to go NOW!” Sometimes if you even think about a toilet, your bladder tries to empty.
- Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB) is usually described as having to urinate very often, even though it's sometimes very small amounts. For some women, it’s almost a constant sensation of having to urinate that overwhelms daily life.
But actually, most women have overlapping symptoms – some combination of all 3 is typical.
- Are you struggling with accidental urination as a new mommy?
- Do you plan your walks or runs around restroom availability?
- Can you do jumping jacks without leaking? How about jump on a trampoline?
- Do you have to get up in the middle of the the night to pee, and if so how many times?
- Do you have to wear a pad? (Most maxi pads are sold for urinary leakage, not menstrual bleeding!)

How vaginal rejuvenation helps urinary incontinence
In office regenerative treatments firm and tighten underlying tissue and stimulate new collagen, as well as strengthen and renew muscle function and pelvic floor strength. They restore vaginal volume, appearance, and sensation AND they significantly reduce or eliminate urinary incontinence and urinary frequency or urgency (and there are some bedroom benefits too!).
Can you say “YES” to all of these? (If not, we can help)
Overactive Bladder & Incontinence Treatments
A Step-by-Step Guide
You’ll come in for a confidential consultation with one of our female Physician Associates in Petoskey, Traverse City, or Naples to assess the type(s) of urinary incontinence you’re experiencing and develop a customized plan to improve your bladder control and any other vaginal concerns.