BodyTite and Smartlipo Laser Liposuction Body Contouring
Find your desired figure.
At RegenCen, we offer natural weight loss solutions that boost metabolism and energy and help deplete fat stores. At our aesthetic division, Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center, Dr. Gustav Lo has offered laser liposuction since 2009. He is a BodyTite expert. These treatments eliminate fat in very specific spots and go hand-in-hand with our weight loss options.

Body Contouring vs Weight Loss
Where weight loss results in loss of fat everywhere and anywhere and seeing the pounds leave the scale, body contouring actually allows you to reshape your body in very specific areas. Body contouring refers to noninvasive and minimally invasive treatments that eliminate fat and / or tighten and smooth aging skin.
Body contouring treatments don't necessarily result in a certain amount of weight loss. The primary focus of body contouring is to remove excess pockets of fat and to tighten sagging skin. After body contouring, your clothes fit better and you can see the results in the mirror even though the number on the scale may be very similar.
Body contouring is best for patients who want to alter their shape and want clothes to fit better. The most common areas we treat are arms, thighs, flanks, and the abdomen or belly, of course.
Go down a pant size (or three) with body contouring.
Go down a pant size (or three) with body contouring.
You may have a lot in common with our typical body sculpting client: Over 50, feeling good about life, but terrible about mid-life weight distribution changes you just can’t control with diet and exercise. Whether it’s a slower metabolism, hormonal imbalances, injuries, or stress...weight creeps up... and in places you didn’t choose! Whether it’s the “menopausal belt” around your midsection (all around it!), thicker thighs, sleeves too tight for you arms, or even that new heaviness under your chin, we can help (when nothing else can).
For our clients, body slimming with BodyTite, liposuction or Coolsculpting isn’t “taking the easy way out” to regain their natural shape – it’s the only way. Increases in body fat, and where it builds up, are a fundamental consequence of the hormonal upheavals around menopause.
As maddening as it is, you can’t win a battle of wills with your body chemistry. We’ll help you win with a one-two punch: body sculpting removes the excess fat buildup that’s already happened, and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can halt further buildup in new places. Drop those sizes down and keep them there!
Body slimming and fat reduction treatments are offered at our aesthetic division in the same locations as RegenCen. At Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center we’ve been offering Coolsculpting since it was released and Smartlipo laser liposuction for over a decade. And we have the ultimate liposculpture treatment - BodyTite. These treatments precisely remove stubborn fat in the belly, thighs, arms, flanks and more with little to no downtime.
Reduce stubborn bulges
Love your body’s shape
No to minimal downtime
Gain body confidence
Body Contouring with Bodytite and Laser Liposuction
Getting your shape back, even in mid life, is easier than you think.
The “tire” that forms around the midsection of so many women during the peri-and post-menopause years doesn’t have to stay. So often during times of hormonal fluctuations (child bearing years or the decade surrounding menopause), women gain weight in the midsection. So it’s no coincidence that the most common areas for laser assisted liposuction and BodyTite are the tummy and “love handles” behind.
Many patients want quick, dramatic results, a low risk treatment to reduce fat, and an easy recovery. Usually we can check all of those boxes: BodyTite and Smartlipo laser liposuction results are much more dramatic than Coolsculpting, and a much easier recovery compared to a surgical tummy tuck. If a patient is within 20 pounds of his or her ideal body weight, we can eliminate 70-80% of the external fat bulge. The radiofrequency or laser energy gives very smooth results with simultaneous skin tightening. Because our liposuction is always performed in office, there’s no general anesthesia risk, side effects, or expense. And recovery is much easier than traditional liposuction (not to mention tummy tucks!).
When patients maintain their weight, they typically go down 1-2 pant sizes with Smartlipo, whether they are 35 or 75 years old. And if they lose weight after Smartlipo, even just a little, the results are more dramatic.
Although the BodyTite and laser liposuction are very similar, BodyTite offers more dramatic skin tightening and laser liposuction (aka Smartlipo) offers more dramatic fat reduction. Sometimes we use both!

BodyTite vs Laser Liposuction Body Contouring.
BodyTite radiofrequency-assisted liposuction is a relatively new, FDA-approved, minimally invasive procedure in which radiofrequency thermal energy is used to remove unwanted fat and tighten the skin.
Smartlipo liposuction is a very similar treatment that has been advancing since 2009 utilizing laser energy. At RegenCen, we offer both InMode BodyTite and Cynosure laser (Smartlipo). Both are commonly used as a tummy tuck alternative.
The laser liposuction procedure for body contouring.
Patients looking for a dramatic and permanent way to remove fat schedule a complimentary consultation. After we discuss the treatment options (Coolsculpting, surgery, BodyTite, and Smartlipo), if one of our treatments is selected then you will see Dr. Lo for a preoperative appointment. During a preoperative appointment, the plan will be made on what areas to treat and your medical and surgical history will be reviewed.
On your treatment day, you will generally take a mild sedative and narcotic to relax you. Additional comfort is provided with in-office nitrous oxide or “laughing gas.” Once the treatment area is numb, Dr. Lo creates a small skin opening (about the size of a big needle) and inserts a fiberoptic laser. He moves it back and forth to evenly heat the area, melt stubborn fat cells, and tighten sagging skin. One session takes about 1-3 hours, from start to finish, depending on how many areas you are treating.
After treatment, patients wear compression on the areas treated around the clock for 3 days on the face and 2 weeks on the body. Results are visible relatively quickly – within a couple of weeks – and improve for up to a year. After laser liposuction patients see dramatic fat reduction and the skin tightens by about 20%. Multiple areas may be treated at the same visit.

Body Contouring Options for reshaping your figure.
A quick overview of body contouring.
AccuTite is the smallest minimally invasive RF contraction device out there. Designed by InMode, AccuTite is used to treat delicate areas of the face and neck-like jowls and under the chin. Accutite also provides pinpoint accuracy for reducing fat in tiny areas like the knees and bra bulges.
FaceTite is described as the “next best alternatives” to a facelift without invasive surgery. In a 30-60 minute radiofrequency treatment by InMode, FaceTite contracts aging, sagging skin while simultaneously destroy pockets of fat in the jowls or under the chin. FaceTite fat reduction is generally permanent. Some results are visible almost immediately and skin tightens by about 40% over 3-6 months.
Laser Lift aka "Lazerlift" for branding purposes is a laser liposuction treatment designed for the face and neck area. Laser Lift is performed in a 30-60 minute treatment and is ideal for getting rid of the "double chin" even in younger faces. Dr. Gustav Lo is an expert Laser Lift provider. He was originally certified by Dr. Roger Bassin in 2009 and has performed thousands of treatments. Laser Lift is performed using the Cynosure Smartlipo laser and tightens skin by about 20%.
BodyTite, as the name suggests, is a minimally invasive procedure used to tighten skin, contour and remove fat on a person’s abdominal area, thighs, arms, bra bulges, back fat and flanks most commonly. It is an effective treatment for male gynecomastia. BodyTite is a very popular treatment with our weight loss program as it tightens skin by up to 40% on problem areas while simultaneously eliminating fat.
Smartlipo is a laser liposuction treatment performed in the office under tumescent or local anesthesia. Smartlipo dramatically reduces fat on the abdomen, arms, flanks and thighs. Dr. Lo was the first to offer laser liposuction in northern Michigan and has performed thousands of treatments since 2009. Smartlipo reduces fat up to 80% and tightens skin by about 20%. Results are visible almost immediately and continue to improve for a year.
Our experience sets us apart
Dr. Lo was trained in technology assisted liposuction in 2009 by the pioneers of laser liposuction. He’s worked with Dr. Stephen Mulholland, Dr. Barry DiBernardo, and Dr. John Millard. He’s treated thousands of faces and bodies. Many of the staff at Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center and RegenCen have had either RFAL or Smartlipo and are happy to share their results and experience.
BodyTite vs Smartlipo vs Tummy Tuck
BodyTite vs Smartlipo vs Tummy Tuck
- minimally invasive radiofrequency treatment
- minimal to no scarring
- minimal downtime
- skin tightening up to 40%
- permanent fat reduction
- may treat 1 or more areas
- if excess skin, it may still be loose
- no general anesthesia
Laser Liposuction
- dramatic permanent fat reduction
- minimally invasive laser
- minimal to no scarring
- minimal downtime
- high satisfaction rate
- usually treat multiple areas
- if excess skin, it may still be loose
- no general anesthesia
Tummy Tuck
- major surgery
- general anesthesia
- long recovery
- large scar
- removes excess skin
- navel usually removed and recreated