Health optimization

Wake up and
feel good again.

Testosterone levels drop slowly with age. Optimizing your levels improves
energy, mood, sexual enjoyment, midsection weight gain and stamina.

Health optimization
Health optimization

When is the right time to optimize my health, and what symptoms should I watch for?

When is the right time to optimize my health, and what symptoms should I watch for?

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men, playing a vital role in their sexual development and overall health. During puberty, testosterone supports the development of masculine traits such as facial hair, a deeper voice, increased strength, and muscle mass. However, testosterone levels naturally decline as men age, with older men experiencing significantly lower levels. In some cases, even younger men may struggle with low levels.

Signs of low levels can include persistent fatigue, reduced strength, lack of motivation, unexpected weight gain, obesity, mood swings, depression, and irritability. Addressing low levels is about more than just building muscle or enhancing sexual performance.

Restoring levels to healthy levels is a safe and transformative step for men who want to optimize their health and vitality. Within weeks, older men often report feeling like they did years earlier, while younger men dealing with low levels from medical conditions, injuries, or hereditary factors are amazed at the life-changing benefits.

Optimizing your health improves energy, focus, sex drive, stamina, midsection weight gain and muscle mass.

Do I need to optimize my health? (The “normal testosterone range” is a big lie.)

Doctors often rely on “normal reference ranges” when evaluating testosterone levels, but these ranges shift downward over time. This means you could have levels of 800 one year and 400 a few years later, yet your doctor might still claim everything is fine — even though your testosterone has dropped by half!

Just because something is labeled “normal” doesn’t mean it’s optimal for your health. At RegenCen, our approach in Regenerative Medicine is to focus on maintaining testosterone levels in the ideal range — levels that far exceed what’s considered “normal” for a man in his 50s.

RegenCen Chief Medical Officer Dr. Gustav Lo explains, “Regenerative Medicine differs from traditional primary care because we aim to optimize rather than normalize. If we can elevate your levels to younger, healthier levels and reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cognitive decline while boosting your energy and strength, why settle for just being ‘normal’ for your age?”

For men, testosterone typically peaks in their 20s at around 1000 ng/dl, then gradually declines year after year. By the time you’re 55, levels often drop below 400. Yet despite experiencing fatigue, muscle loss, and weight gain, many doctors and labs will reassure you that you’re “normal.”

“As physicians, it’s not entirely our fault,” says Dr. Lo. “That’s what we’re traditionally taught, and the idea of altering the natural aging process has historically been met with caution.”

But by optimizing your health your changing the natural course of aging. “That’s the goal,” Dr. Lo states. “In Regenerative Medicine, we’re focused on extending your healthspan, ensuring you stay strong and vital rather than simply prolonging a declining state of health.” Many men assume that reduced stamina, lower libido, and waning motivation are inevitable signs of aging. However, by optimizing your health, you may rediscover your energy, drive, and strength.

“Your muscles, metabolism, brain, and instincts all respond to stimulation,” says Dr. Lo. “A so-called ‘normal’ level of 400 ng/dl just isn’t enough to keep them thriving.”

This process at RegenCen is straightforward. Your journey begins with a personal consultation with Dr. Gustav Lo or one of our experienced medical providers. We’ll discuss your symptoms, review your medical history, and conduct in-office blood tests to measure your testosterone and other key markers to rule out underlying conditions.

After your first treatment, over 90% of men choose to continue long-term. It’s one of our most highly rated services — and for good reason! Every man experiences the effects of declining levels eventually, but at RegenCen, we help you take charge of your vitality and well-being.

Skip the coffee marathon and reclaim your energy

By the time men reach their 30s, testosterone levels begin to naturally decline, and this downward trend continues year after year. By their 50s, testosterone levels are often just half of what they were in their prime. This condition, isn’t only caused by aging — factors like modern lifestyles, environmental stressors, and demanding work routines also play a significant role.

Many men don’t immediately recognize the gradual effects, often attributing symptoms like fatigue and brain fog to the aging process. To cope, it’s common to turn to caffeine for an energy boost or sleep aids for restless nights. However, these quick fixes fail to address the root issue.

When everything from shedding extra pounds to keeping your cool starts to feel like an uphill battle, optimizing your health can help you reclaim
your zest for life.

You might not have even noticed the subtle ways low levels has been affecting you – like searching for your car keys only to realize they’re already in your hand. Many men share that they didn’t fully grasp the extent of their symptoms until after their levels were restored. Once treated, the changes become clear – improved moods, renewed libido and performance, and even a boost in muscle-building and fat loss.

If you’re feeling drained, unmotivated, or like life is running on autopilot instead of you thriving in it, it could be a sign your testosterone levels aren’t where they should be. What you’re experiencing might be linked, and a little support can make a world of difference.